Saturday, August 4, 2007

Just a few new pics

Cherry making you think that's she's oh-so-cute, and would never get into any trouble at all, lol.

Minou being the Little Miss Cutie Pants that she always is, and hamming it up for the camera as usual.

Minou and Cherry playing in a plastic grocery bag... the best toys are free, and plastic grocery bags and cardboard boxes are definitely their fav toys ever.

So everything's been going pretty well with them. They had a really big week with visitors and new things to get into, but now everything's been calm and getting back to normal.
Last time that they ran out of food I found a new kind of food for them, since the icky Marshall's food was so stupidly expensive and isn't good for them anyways. I wish I had kept the package, hopefully I can remember what it was for next time. Anyways- it's got no corn, wheat or soy in it, so that's a major drastic improvement in food for them, and it was way cheaper than the other kinds I was getting them, go figure. Cherry dove right into it and has loved it from the start, she's not picky with food in any way... well as long as it's not something like know things that she's supposed to have. Minou really didn't want to eat it and took her a day or two to try it, but they're both eating it now and seem to like it enough.
I still can't figure out how to make a harness that Cherry can't get out of. She's just too wiggily and squirmy and manages to squeeze out of every style I make.
And now they're getting even more spoiled since Cherry got into my houseplants too many times now. I really never put them in their cage, and they never go in it anymore either; they'd rather sleep in my clothes in the closet instead. So I emptied all their blankets, hammocks and everything out of it and brought it out in the living room; put it infront of the window to the balcony (next to where the door opens) and put all my plants inside it. I can still easily get in to water it since there's 2 doors on it, or even take the whole top off to get to them, but no ferrets can get in now >:D lol. At first they were a little annoyed about it and pulled at the bars but then I think they realized that since the things I didn't want them to have were now in there, that they didn't have to go in there again. And to spoil them even more I made a gigantic crazy cardboard box ferret condo in the bedroom, it's got 2 floors, ramps, bedding, a hammock, even a little window that has silly little fake shutters on the top floor. To top it off, I moved bed-side tables around and such to hopefully keep Cherry off of them and to narrow it down to just 2 corners that are being used for potty; one bed-side table (it was just a cardboard box covered in fabric) I cut a hole in the side and they have yet another hidey place in the bedroom. Yes, very very spoiled ferrets.